Module #2: Primary
- Basic Dry Pac and Random Ashlar
Stone Masonry Career Course Including Small Business Training for those who want it.
(These are the only two courses that provide the Business Training.
and overall basic stonemasonry. Both Mod. one and two should be taken
back to back to provide time to get the complete basic training.) |
Learn the basics of stonework in Module # 1 and # 2 comprehensive one week courses. It is a good one for those that want to learn a lot about stonework in a hurry. In the Basic #2 students learn to do projects using dry pac style stonework (tight stacked bars of stone with no mortar showing and Random Ashlar style done in the same manor but with a set-back mortar joint around each stone.) With these styles you can build many wonderful projects...you learn how to face existing buildings with either of these styles or even build little buildings out of stone and mortar, garden walls, gazebo walls, etc.
Though it is hard to believe students not only learn to do stone masonry they also learn how to start and operate their own small business dong stone masonry if they want to. Once they get the hang of it all they need is practice. The hands on instruction really helps with this. Once they finish the course they can practice on projects at home, or begin making money doing projects for their new customers. Some may wish to work as an employee or apprentice for a Stonemasonry company for a while to get more experience. There is such a shortage of stone masons right now that work shouldn't be difficult to find.
The cost of this course is $750.
At this time only men’s accommodations are available at our training school in Salmo B.C.
1 week accommodation $75 -shared two bed room or $150 - private room.
Please contact us for more information or to
register at:
Phone: (250) 357-9515
Email: school@naturalstonesite.com
or Download
Registration Form
Names |
Stone Centre |
Stone Supply |
Stone Masonry Training School |
'The Rock' Ministries |
of Porcupine Mines Ltd |